

Medieval frecoes

In room 6, on the ground floor there are late medieval frescoes belonging to churches from Piacenza and places of worship nearby.
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museo archeologico

Archaeological Museum

Three sections are open: The birth of the Museum of Piacenza between antiques and Archaeology, The first stone, From fire to metal.
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On the ground floor it is possible to see the ancient arms collection, about four hundred specimens gathered by the count from Piacenza Antonio Parma.
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The carriage museum is one of the most important in Italy, for the variety, excellent conditions and richness of the pieces available.
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fasti farnesiani

Farnese’s Splendours

Fasti farnesiani - The term ‘Fasti’ refers to a series of self-celebratory paintings celebrating the fame of the Farnese dynasty 
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Art gallery

The paintings displayed in the art gallery besides dating back to a wide time span (XIV - XIX), have different origins.
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museo del risorgimento

The Risorgimento

Occupying four large halls, it gathers documents, pictures, heirlooms and arms dating back to the years 1848-’49 and 1859-‘61
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The sculptures collection constitutes a fundamental source to understand Piacenza’s figurative culture in the 12th and 13th century
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vetri e ceramiche

Glass and Ceramic

Museo Civico of Palazzo Farnese owns a valuable ceramic and stone collection, gathered thanks to the donations of private collectors.
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